Saturday, February 21, 2009

Flair Bottle You need it for practise

Flair Bottles are what you need to get started in Flair Bartending. If you aren't using the practice flair bottle, then you better start because they will get you to the next level so much quicker. The benifits of using the plastice bottles over the glass is that they don't break! You can practise crosses and not be afraid of glass breaking in your face. Make sure you get some. There are some links at the bottom of this page that will get you started and it is where I get all of my flair bottles.

Recently, there is a noticeable rise in bartenders combining prominent mixology knowledge and working flair skills all over the world. The ideas behind mixology and drink oriented or service minded bartending can still be upheld with the correct application of working flair. The added income from increased tips is a well deserved bonus.

A full tin spin is done almost identically to a half tin spin, except there is a bit more rotation. It takes a lot of time and practice to be able to flair well or juggle bottles, so before you take your new moves to work, make sure you are confident you can hit them every time. Exhibition flair involves highly technical and difficult manipulations and is intended to showcase the performer's skills.

Shakers are also used to dazzle the enthralled crowds. Many flair bartenders travel around the world to train, demonstrate, perform, work, and compete. Service should always come first, before flair, so take care of your customers first and if you can throw in a few move, entertain them.

Bartenders love to make drinks and love to entertain, so get started. All top bartending schools these days offer flair training.

If you are looking for flair bottles, have a look at these links below for all of your needs, quick shipping and best quality bottles and cool looking! It is where I get all of my products.

Flair Bottles

If you are just getting started in Flair Bartending, you will need to get your hands on a flair bottle or two. If you are serious you will need more than one, if you are just wanting to learn a few tricks, you will need to get at least one. Usually a bottle and a tin is a good starting point. You can get all the bottles you need at the link below.

There are hundreds of flair bartending competitions around the world each year, many of which are local comps held by local bartenders. Today the Flair Bartenders Association, or FBA, is the recognized global authority on the sport, with membership of thousands and thousands of individual bartenders in more than 140 countries worldwide.

Competition bartending started before Tom Cruise made the movie Cocktail, but that movie brought world wide attention to it. Bars and restaurants that feature flair bartenders have grown to massive international chains, and flair bartenders are some of the highest earning bartenders in the industry. Bartenders should be able to mix hundreds of types of drinks to please any paying customer in a quick, accurate and unwasteful fashion.

All flair bartenders need proper tools to practise with, and a flair bottle is the place to start. By implementing performance skills and great service into your daily bartending routine, your tips and regular customers will increase substantially. The best working tricks emphasize speed and accuracy.

Many online courses cover the same information you would learn in a regular on site school. Train with a fellow flair bartender who can tell you how your routines look, or tape yourself with a camcorder. Working flair can be done with everything you use to make drinks, including full bottles.

All top bartending schools these days offer flair training. Good Luck and Good Bartending. If you need Flair Bottles, have a look at the link here.